Plastic Waste in India

Did you know?

How much plastic waste is produced in India? The Centre said that more than 34 lakh tons of plastic waste was generated in 2019-20 and 30.59 lakh tons in 2018-19.

What is plastic waste?

Plastic wastes are plastic items created and used by man and also throw away into the environment by man. It is the accumulation of plastic and creates pollution.

How is plastic waste disposed in India?

here are two primary ways to manage plastic waste. The first is recycling or re-processing different categories of plastic waste into secondary material. The second is the incineration of plastic waste.

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Effects of Plastic Waste

Plastic waste can lead to the death of lots of creatures, including human. Animals mistaken plastic for food, therefore, they consume it and die or get poisoned. Some of these animals or consumed by humans, bringing diseases to humans as well.

Plastic Waste can also create all sorts of pollution like land, air, and water pollution. Plastic items are made with lots of toxic acids and if these acids leaks out, it could be very harmful for the land, but also for humans and other living things.

Plastic waste can affect a whole food chain. The plastic is mistaken as food and consumed by small creatures. The bigger predators consume these little creatures and get sick. These creatures are then consumed by bigger predators and the poison and disease is spread around the whole ecosystem.


Why should we recycle?

We should recycle plastic waste because if we throw them away, they will pollute our environment and bodies of water, why not just optimize their use and use them over and over again. This way, we aren’t necessarily using trash, but we’re helping reduce plastic and pollution in our area.

